Their research says even 5% returns are “slim.”

Not very encouraging if you expect to retire on your IRA balance + capital gains.

It’s downright scary actually.

If you have $250,000 now, at 5% growth, but withdrawing your $2,500 per month to use for bills…

You’re out of money in 10 years.

Have $150,000?

Out of money in 5 years.


Broke in the middle of Year 3:

Clearly, hoping for endless bull markets won’t get you where you need to be.

At some point, leaning on capital gains is the surefire way to get blindsided.

I mentioned how I’ve surveyed thousands of readers. Their No 1 fear is “running out of money and going broke.”

I didn’t mention their second fear: “a stock market crash.”

I just showed you why. Because when you rely on capital gains to fund your retirement, the only way to win is if stocks keeping going up.

If stocks go down, you’re in dire straits.