Investment Trust Dividends

Index funds

The best low cost index funds to buy now

Index funds are an easy, low-cost way for investors to invest in a sector or asset class. Here’s a selection of the cheapest passive tracker funds on the market right now

Stock market financial growth chart

(Image credit: Yuichiro Chino)

Chris Newlands

The much-anticipated shift in the balance of power had been many years in the making and the swap has awoken fund investors to the significant benefits of low-cost index investing. The amount of money held in index funds and exchange traded funds in the US – the world’s biggest investment market – surpassed that of actively managed funds for the first time. 

According to data released by Morningstar, passive mutual funds and ETFs in the US – a barometer for the rest of the world – held $13.3tn in assets at the beginning of 2024, while active ETFs and mutual funds had just over $13.2tn.

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What is passive investing?

In simple terms, passive investing means the securities held in your fund are not chosen by a portfolio manager, which can make the cost of investing drastically cheaper. 

Passive or index funds instead buy a basket of assets that try to mirror what the stock market is doing instead of trying to beat it. Using much more technical language the CFA Institute, the association of investment professionals, describes it as so: “Passive investing refers to any rules-based, transparent, and investable strategy that does not involve identifying mispriced individual securities.”

If you are a passive investor, you are also in it for the long haul. Passive investors limit the amount of buying and selling within their portfolios, which is also what makes it such a cost-effective way to invest. 

An obvious example of a passive approach is the purchase of an index fund that follows a major index like the FTSE 100 in the UK and the S&P 500 in the US.

Why might passive investing be better than active investing?

On paper, being an active investor and trying to beat the market sounds intuitively like the best way to invest. The problem, however, is that beating the market is difficult and the majority of active funds not only fail to do so but also significantly underperform. That, coupled with the fact the fees on active funds are almost always higher, means they can be an unadvisable way to invest in the stock market.

Indeed, according to a report from the London Stock Exchange Group, 64.5% of actively managed funds failed to beat their benchmark indices over the 12 months to the end of March this year. The numbers showed investors in 9,036 active funds were worse off than if they had invested their savings in an index tracker. 

The report stated that much of this underperformance was caused by the high fees.

Robin Powell, the author of the blog, the Evidence-Based Investor, says: “Why index? Simply put, because indexing works. The alternative — active investing — may work, but the overwhelming probability is that it won’t and you would have been better off not taking the chance.”

How to look for low cost index funds

So what should you look out for when choosing the best index funds and ETFs? There are several factors to be aware of.

Low costs are key, of course. But it is also important to consider the tracking error (the difference between the performance of the index and the fund). Since the goal of the tracker is to match the performance, significant outperformance is just as much of a reason to worry as is significant underperformance, as it suggests problems with the way the fund is run. It can also indicate how fees will hit performance in the long run. 

Every penny you pay in management fees is a penny that does not compound over time. So investors should look for low cost index funds with the lowest possible total expense ratios (TERs) – the annual running costs for the fund. Some brokers, such as Hargreaves Lansdown, offer management fee discounts for investors who pick their preferred funds. 

Tracker funds typically come in one of two main types: open-ended funds (Oeics), which are not traded on the stock market, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which are.

Different types of funds are suitable for different types of investors. Many online stockbrokers have different charging structures for different funds. That means the best fund for you might depend on which is the cheapest and easiest to buy and sell. ETFs can be bought and sold when the market is open, while Oeics can take days to buy and sell as they need to create and redeem shares for investors.

Some funds can charge large entry or exit fees. None of the funds on the list below charge entry fees, but there are some on the market that charge as much as 5% for new investors.

These fees can be a huge drag on returns in the long run, especially when other charges are added. This excludes trading commissions, which some brokers might charge when dealing funds (these fees can turn even the best-looking low cost index funds into expensive investments).

The best low cost index funds to buy now

Here is a selection (which is far from exhaustive) of some of the cheapest passive tracker funds (Oeics and ETFs) on the market right now.

This list does not reflect all the fees and charges (as well as discounts) that might apply though different brokers.

Index trackedFundExpense ratio
UK Equities
FTSE 100iShares 100 UK Equity Index Fund0.05%
FTSE 250Vanguard FTSE 250 UCITS ETF0.10%
FTSE All-Share IndexVanguard FTSE UK All Share Index Unit Trust0.06%
MSCI United Kingdom Small Cap IndexiShares MSCI UK Small Cap UCITS ETF0.58%
FTSE UK Equity Income IndexVanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index Fund0.14%
BondsRow 7 – Cell 1Row 7 – Cell 2
FTSE Actuaries UK Conventional Gilts All Stocks IndexLegal & General All Stocks Gilt Index Trust0.15%
iBoxx £ Non-Gilts Overall TR IndexiShares Corporate Bond Index0.11%
Bloomberg Global Aggregate Float Adjusted and Scaled IndexVanguard Global Bond Index0.15%
JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified IndexL&G Emerging Markets Government Bond (USD) Index Fund0.32%
GlobalRow 12 – Cell 1Row 12 – Cell 2
MSCI World IndexFidelity Index World0.12%
S&P 500Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF0.07%
Solactive L&G Enhanced ESG Developed Markets Index NTRLegal & General Future World ESG Developed Index Fund I GBP Inc0.15%
MSCI Emerging Markets IndexL&G Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund0.25%
FTSE Developed Europe ex UK IndexVanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex-UK Equity Index Fund0.12%
FTSE World Asia-Pacific ex-Japan IndexiShares Pacific ex Japan Equity Index0.11%
FTSE Japan IndexiShares Japan Equity Index0.08%

Source: MoneyWeek research


If the day cometh when there are no Trusts yielding around 6/7% to re-invest the income from the Snowball, if it happens it will not be anytime soon and u only need one or two Trusts to re-invest the earned dividends.

One option would be to re-invest in tracker e.g. S&P or the FTSE100 but as always best to DYOR. If u can choose when to sell u shouldn’t lose any of the hard earned as the historic growth of the S&P is around 7%. The average historic drawdown is around 20% (loss of capital) so u would have to hold the tracker thru thick and thin. If the S&P fell 20% it’s more than probable that many Trusts would be yielding 7% plus.

1 Comment

  1. SactFlast

    For example, the rate of the published communications at the ICS Congress International Continence Society in 2003 was 61 and of the AFU French Association of Urology in 2000, was 34 priligy

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