U want to start investing but do not now where to start as u don’t want to lose your hard earned.
One option is a World Wide Tracker, VWRL is the working example but there are others to choose from.
Bull points.
As long as u can choose when to sell, u will not lose your money.
Modest dividend for re-investment.
Multi years when the share price is flat lining, which is a plus if u want to add funds as they are available.
Bear points.
No reserves so the dividend is variable.
The modest dividend is not the main reason to buy the ETF
ETF’s trade around their NAV so no discounts to NAV.
Multi years when the share price is flatlining, so like watching paint dry.
Once u have made a capital gain, u could sell the position and re-invest in the Snowball or take out the profit to do the same. Or buyback the shares u sold higher up and do it all over again. Remember a profit is not a profit until it sits in your account as cash.
I must emphasise that it’s likely after u buy, especially after a strong rise in the price, that u will lose money. So only money u don’t need and when u can choose when to sell.
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