The Richest Man in History Reveals His Simple Wealth Generating Secret

Introducing the Man Who Knew The Secret of Making Big Money
Don’t take my word for it. The guy who claimed “I have ways of making money that you know nothing of” is the richest man in human history.

Who better to have said this than American business tycoon John D. Rockefeller, founder of American Oil Behemoth: Standard Oil.

He once remarked:

Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure?
It’s to see my dividends coming in.

That’s right. Rockefeller was a dividend investor.

How Can You Use This Secret?
So how can you use Mr Rockefeller’s secret to become extremely rich?

Tip #1: Guard yourself against people’s opinion about dividend investing.

Almost everyone in the stock market is programmed to make quick money. Very few have the patience to follow the correct process that ensures riches in the stock market.

Believe me, even though waiting around and collecting dividends sounds simple, I bet you it isn’t easy to follow.

Tip #2: Reliable dividends come from companies with predictable revenue streams.