No definitely pair trading.
If u are in your accumulation stage, u have time on your side in case u buy a clunker. JGGI currently pays a 4% dividend re-based every year on it’s NAV. Part is paid from capital but the cash is still yours to do with as u wish. In the long term it’s doubtful u will lose any of your hard earned, if u can choose when to sell but there are periods of flatlining, so u need the dividend.
To achiever the target portfolio of 7% u would need to split your capital and buy a high yielder such as NESF, other Trusts are available and u could most probably accept a blended yield of 6% and hope that u can take some profits from JGGI to re-invest in your portfolio. Most probably not a great time to buy JGGI but maybe one to watch if there is market weakness before a hoped for Santa Rally.
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