Supermarket Income REIT plc (LSE: SUPR), the real estate investment trust providing secure, inflation-linked, long income from grocery property, has today declared an interim dividend in respect of the period from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 of 1.515 pence per ordinary share (the “Fourth Quarterly Dividend”).

The Fourth Quarterly Dividend will be paid on or around 16 August 2024 as a Property Income Distribution (“PID”) in respect of the Company’s tax-exempt property rental business to shareholders on the register as of 12 July 2024. The ex-dividend date will be 11 July 2024.

The Company has now declared four quarterly dividends totalling 6.06 pence per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2024, in line with the Company’s full-year dividend target.

As the Company’s ordinary shares are currently trading at a discount to the published EPRA Net Tangible Assets per share, the board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) believes that it is not in the best interests of shareholders to offer the scrip dividend alternative, under which shareholders would have been able to elect to receive new ordinary shares in lieu of the cash dividend (the “Scrip Dividend Alternative”). The Board has therefore exercised its discretion to suspend the Scrip Dividend Alternative in respect of the Fourth Quarterly Dividend.

All shareholders who are entitled to receive the Fourth Quarterly Dividend will therefore receive it in cash.

The Board will keep under consideration the offer of a scrip dividend alternative in respect of future quarterly dividends