The current estimate for quarterly income is £2,239.

There is approx £3,339 of dividends to be earned this year and if re-invested at 8% that would equal £267 of extra income.

£2,239 plus £267 = £2,506 of income x 4 = income of £10,024.00 (2025)

This is not a fcast or a target, yet, as several dividends are still to be declared.

I intend to re-invest in the portfolio so each of the underlying Trusts return very approx £250 a quarter, which will mean some positions will be overweight but monitoring the portfolio performance will be much simpler.

Hopefully as these dividends are re-invested and the current dividends gently increase the figure could be bettered or if a dividend is cut the figure could be less. The glorious uncertainty of investing.

Once income of 10k is secured, it may be necessary to open a new position but not a decision for the foreseeable future.