Please remember at all times the blog is about sensible investing, trading the plan as a long term buy and hold portfolio. Like today if there is an opportunity to book a ‘profit’ I will but only for re-investment in the portfolio.
It’s a waste of my time re-inventing the wheel so below is the warning from the Naked Trader blog.
COPYING TRADES: I can’t stop you from copying a trade I made but remember the price may already be a lot higher than I paid indeed I hope it is as buying at good prices is what I do for a living. You may be buying at the top and could easily lose money. Also I can make terrible mistakes and have done in the past. I could also sell before you or before the share tanks. I may still be holding in a year when you sold at a loss. Always do your own research, don’t jump in blindly. Market makers are very clever at knowing how to make you pay top dollar and then push you out at a loss. This site is about sensible investment and learning how to trade sensibly and is not a tipping site. Beware.
Never push buy on anything till you’ve done proper research and got yourself a sensible price.
The Naked Trader
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