A Message from WealthPress

Dividend stocks are possibly the only investment where you have the opportunity for capital growth as well as income.

It’s truly empowering once you see the impact that dividend stocks can make on any account size.

Imagine the peace of mind that could give you, knowing that your nest egg could be growing without having to make massive annual contributions.

Or slaving away at the computer screens trying to pick some miracle stock.

The key ingredient is DIVIDENDS.

And when you look at it over the scope of time, the difference dividends make is truly mind boggling.

Just visualize a $10k investment in the S&P 500 since 1960 with me.

Without the dividend payments…Your account would have grown to:


That’s not bad… But it’s certainly not enough to retire worry-free.

But during that SAME time period…With that SAME starting stake…

If you reinvested the DIVIDENDS:

$4 million

That means dividends were the ONLY difference between not having enough to make it through retirement.

Or retiring in the TOP 1% of all U.S. Households!

And the best part is, there’s no extra legwork on your end to collect these dividends – just sit back and watch.

As long as a company doesn’t cut its dividend, you’re guaranteed cash!