If u have limited funds, u may want to build up your cash resources by investing in Growth and Income Trusts.

As always timing is more important than time in and it may be better

to have a higher yield, in case u buy at the wrong time.


Dividend Policy

The Company’s dividend policy has now been in place since 2016. As a reminder, the dividend policy aims to pay, in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, dividends totalling at least 4% of the NAV of the Company as at the end of the preceding financial year. Where, in the view of the Board, the target dividend is likely to result in a dividend yield that is materially out of line with the wider market, the Board may choose to set the target dividend at a different level that is more in-line with the wider market and other global income trusts and funds.

U may wish to buy JGGI for its potential growth profile but is below the blogs current recommended yield of 7%.

U could split your investment between JGGI and NESF (other Trusts are available DYOR) with the chance of capital growth and an income stream for re-investment.