EPIC Name Yield

NESF NextEnergy Solar Fund Ltd 10.22
RECI Real Estate Credit Investment PCC Ltd 9.92
TFIF TwentyFour Income Fund Ltd 8.79
BSIF Bluefield Solar Income Fund Ltd 8.43
SUPR Supermarket Income Reit PLC 7.84
AGR Assura PLC 7.42
PHP Primary Health Properties PLC 7.11
MRCH Merchants Trust (The) PLC 5.30
CTY City of London Investment Trust (The) PLC 5.14
IUKD iShares FTSE UK Div Plus (5.5)

If u need income to pay your bills an equally weighted portfolio of

Trusts above pays a blended yield of 7.5%, which should gently increase

over time.

Hopefully when the UK Plc stabilises there should be a capital gain

to be made but if income is your priority that matters little.

I will do some pen portraits, starting next week on the above Trusts.