You need to save a certain amount on a certain date, u can currently save in a tax free ISA but are worried that as interest falls you will not achieve your target.

Example. For a special reason u want 10k at the start of 2028

Which u need on a certain date, with no ifs and buts.

Example u want 10k at the start of 2028.

Government gilts, spread 0.7%.


ParValue£100 Maturity Date 31/1/2028
Coupons per year 2
Next coupon date 31/7/24 Coupon 0.125%Income

Yield 0.14%Gross

Redemption yield 4.12%
Accrued interest 4.36p
Dirty Price£86.63

Currently £87.77 to buy. Cost to buy £8,777 plus your dealing cost at AJ Bell £4.95. U have to leave an order but most orders are filled straightaway.

Income is negligible and there are no capital gains to pay if held outside a tax wrapper. On the 31/01/28 the government will return to u 10k.

Currently £87.77 to buy. Cost to buy £8,777 plus your dealing cost at AJ Bell £4.95. U have to leave an order but most orders are filled straightaway.

Income is negligible and there are no capital gains to pay if held outside a tax wrapper. On the 31/01/28 the government will return to u 10k