Assuming investments are an end rather than a means.
Investing is not a sport. It’s not something to do for its own sake. It’s something to do to help fulfil your financial purpose.
For that reason — and not because of anything the financial media or investment industry says — investing is critically important. Solid investment performance means you can fulfill your objectives more fully, whatever they are. That’s just true.
So, always think about investing in the context of your own purpose. You’re not investing to compete or compare. You’re investing to help accomplish what you want to.
Think about what this means for investment risk and return . Ask yourself, “How much risk am I willing to take to dream as big as I want to dream?” Maybe you’ll discover you can fulfil your dreams while taking less risk than you are currently. In that case, it’s our responsibility as advisers to help you do that. Or maybe you’ll find you want to take a little more risk to dream a little bigger. That, too, informs our actions as advisers.
Investing isn’t about comparing a line on a piece of paper with another line on the paper; that would be an end in itself. Rather, investing is a means to achieve something far more personal and real.
If u don’t plan, u plan to fail.
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