Not naval gazing that’s an entirely different topic.
If u have a Trust earning ten percent per year, u have the following options.
U could spend the dividend to pay for a luxury or to put towards paying your bills.
If u could re-invest the dividends back into the trust whilst it continues to pay an above market yield, or if the yield falls u could re-invest in another high yielding Trust.
U could re-invest the dividends in a low risk option, a deposit account or Government Gilts. After ten years* u will have achieved the holy grail of investing of having a position in your portfolio providing an income at zero, zilch, nothing cost. Even if u re-invested into a savings account u should be receiving income of around 14% pa. I haven’t mentioned, today anyway, that a comparable income from an annuity is around 7% and u have to gift your capital to a pension provider. The worst thing that could go wrong, u will still achieve the income but it may be in a longer time-frame depending on the market.
* Less if u re-invest the dividends.
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