The rules for the plan, there are only 2.
One. A portfolio of Investment Trusts that pay a dividend, to buy more Investment Trusts that pay a dividend.
Two. Any Trust that drastically changes its dividend policy must be sold, even at a loss.
Any trades posted to this blog are not recommendations to buy or sell as I’m not authorised to give advice but merely a diary record of any Trades.
The plan is to provide a ‘pension’ of between 14k and 16k on seed capital in a ten year period. The amount is not in doubt but the timescale, subject to markets, may slip. The current plans fcast for 2024 is to earn dividends of 8k with a target of 9k, the plan is currently ahead of both the fcast and the target.
Your own plan should be based on your own research and may will be different to mine depending on how many years u have in your accumulation stage, before u enter your de-accumulation stage. Hopefully, when u do enter de-accumulation u should be generating enough passive income to provide a ‘pension’ and some income for re-investment.
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